Are you looking for making money through selling Site Templates online in various marketplaces? We have done good amount of research which can benefit you to sell online.
Are you looking for making money through selling Site Templates online in various marketplaces? We have done good amount of research which can benefit you to sell online.
Marketplaces are very popular for helping freelancers earn good amount of money with their skills.
Top 5 Marketplaces
Let us understand in details why you should be selling your Templates, Themes and Landing Pages online.
If you are starting as a freelancer or small IT company, selling your templates online helps a lot in creating revenue as well as good client base for you. The core benefit while selling on marketplaces is that you need to make great product once and then focus on other development while your product will generate revenue for you even when you are sleeping.
There are 2 types of authors around marketplaces.
1. Exclusive Author
If you are selling as Exclusive author then as per terms you can sell that product other than that marketplace. Marketplace also offers a higher commission for exclusive authors. Marketplaces offer from 50%-70% depending upon total earning and levels.
2. Non Exclusive Authors
If you are selling as Non-exclusive author you have the right to sell it across various marketplaces but the commission for non-exclusive items would be less than exclusive authors. You also need to be very unique and creative while making non-exclusive product in order for easy approval.
Now, Let’s see each marketplace in details.
1. Themeforest

Themeforest is part of envato group, which is very popular in selling digital downloadable products. Themeforest has the highest amount of userbase in terms of authors as well as customers. Due to its clean policies, it has attracted more crowd. They also provide different badges to show credibility and profile of authors. Right now they overflowing with new template requests but still, they will provide a review of your submission within 3-4 working days.
2. Template Monster

Template Monster is a marketplace which emphasizes more on creative side of template along with clean codes. However, compared to themeforest they have less userbase. They also have special collaboration with authors to display them differently which makes it tough for new author to earn from their products. Due to high flow of templates, they tend to approve exclusive template quickly than non exclusive templates.
3. Wrap Bootstrap

Wrap Bootstrap is trusted for a long time. It is widely famous for its selectivity of new authors and items. It can give you good sells but requires more time. Wrap Bootstrap review teams take too much time to respond to yout submissions. Therefore, you need to be patient while submitting your items.
4. Bootstrap Bay

Good news is that Bootstrap Bay offers a higher rate of commission compared to other marketplaces. If you are working for Angular, React platforms then you should go for Bootstrap Bay. If you perform good at initial stage you also get featured.
5. Codester

It is also popular among developers and designers. You can sell code snippets, plugins, source codes, templates and many more. Codester is in the list of marketplaces which offer good amount of commission to authors. You can earn good with less sales in this marketplace.
That’s it about selling Landing Page, Themes and Templates in various marketplaces. Write to us if you have any other queries through Contact.
Good Luck with Sales.
Are you looking for making money through selling Site Templates online in various marketplaces? We have done good amount of research which can benefit you to sell online.
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