
  • Generic placeholder image
    Amy Adams1Jan 22

    Hey!! What are you doing tonight ?

  • Generic placeholder image
    James Simpsons2Feb 15

    What's up ???

  • Generic placeholder image
    Mark Witherspoon3Mar 03

    I will be late today in office.

  • Generic placeholder image
    Jenniffer Wills4Apr 05

    Venture presentation is ready.

  • N
    Nelson SmithJan 22

    WORKSalary has been processed.

  • C
    Courtney CoxFeb 15

    URGENTNew product launching...

  • R
    Rachel WhiteMar 03

    ORDERSHOPPINGYour order has been...

  • F
    FreepikMar 03

    VERIFY NOWNew Sign verification req...

  • Payment Success !!!

    We have received your payment toward ad Account : 9876543210. Your Ad is Running.

    INFOSTATUSToday, 09:39 PM

  • Nobita Applied for Leave.

    Nobita applied for leave due to personal reasons on 22nd Feb.

    APPROVEREJECTYesterday, 05:25 PM

  • Alert

    There has been new Log in fron your account at Melbourne. Mark it safe or report.

    Report Now5 Jan 2019, 02:13 PM

  • Congratulations !!!

    Your role in the organization has been changed from Editor to Chief Strategist.

    ACTIVITY10 Jan 2019, 08:49 PM


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Feather Icons
Usage <i class="feather icon-xxx"></i>.

feather icon-alert-octagon

feather icon-alert-circle

feather icon-activity

feather icon-alert-triangle

feather icon-align-center

feather icon-airplay

feather icon-align-justify

feather icon-align-left

feather icon-align-right

feather icon-arrow-down-left

feather icon-arrow-down-right

feather icon-anchor

feather icon-aperture

feather icon-arrow-left

feather icon-arrow-right

feather icon-arrow-down

feather icon-arrow-up-left

feather icon-arrow-up-right

feather icon-arrow-up

feather icon-award

feather icon-bar-chart

feather icon-at-sign

feather icon-bar-chart-2

feather icon-battery-charging

feather icon-bell-off

feather icon-battery

feather icon-bluetooth

feather icon-bell

feather icon-book

feather icon-briefcase

feather icon-camera-off

feather icon-calendar

feather icon-bookmark

feather icon-box

feather icon-camera

feather icon-check-circle

feather icon-check

feather icon-check-square

feather icon-cast

feather icon-chevron-down

feather icon-chevron-left

feather icon-chevron-right

feather icon-chevron-up

feather icon-chevrons-down

feather icon-chevrons-right

feather icon-chevrons-up

feather icon-chevrons-left

feather icon-circle

feather icon-clipboard

feather icon-chrome

feather icon-clock

feather icon-cloud-lightning

feather icon-cloud-drizzle

feather icon-cloud-rain

feather icon-cloud-off

feather icon-codepen

feather icon-cloud-snow

feather icon-compass

feather icon-copy

feather icon-corner-down-right

feather icon-corner-down-left

feather icon-corner-left-down

feather icon-corner-left-up

feather icon-corner-up-left

feather icon-corner-up-right

feather icon-corner-right-down

feather icon-corner-right-up

feather icon-cpu

feather icon-credit-card

feather icon-crosshair

feather icon-disc

feather icon-delete

feather icon-download-cloud

feather icon-download

feather icon-droplet

feather icon-edit-2

feather icon-edit

feather icon-edit-1

feather icon-external-link

feather icon-eye

feather icon-feather

feather icon-facebook

feather icon-file-minus

feather icon-eye-off

feather icon-fast-forward

feather icon-file-text

feather icon-film

feather icon-file

feather icon-file-plus

feather icon-folder

feather icon-filter

feather icon-flag

feather icon-globe

feather icon-grid

feather icon-heart

feather icon-home

feather icon-github

feather icon-image

feather icon-inbox

feather icon-layers

feather icon-info

feather icon-instagram

feather icon-layout

feather icon-link-2

feather icon-life-buoy

feather icon-link

feather icon-log-in

feather icon-list

feather icon-lock

feather icon-log-out

feather icon-loader

feather icon-mail

feather icon-maximize-2

feather icon-map

feather icon-maximize

feather icon-map-pin

feather icon-menu

feather icon-message-circle

feather icon-message-square

feather icon-minimize-2

feather icon-minimize

feather icon-mic-off

feather icon-minus-circle

feather icon-mic

feather icon-minus-square

feather icon-minus

feather icon-moon

feather icon-monitor

feather icon-more-vertical

feather icon-more-horizontal

feather icon-move

feather icon-music

feather icon-navigation-2

feather icon-navigation

feather icon-octagon

feather icon-package

feather icon-pause-circle

feather icon-pause

feather icon-percent

feather icon-phone-call

feather icon-phone-forwarded

feather icon-phone-off

feather icon-phone-incoming

feather icon-phone

feather icon-phone-outgoing

feather icon-pie-chart

feather icon-play-circle

feather icon-play

feather icon-plus-square

feather icon-plus-circle

feather icon-plus

feather icon-pocket

feather icon-printer

feather icon-power

feather icon-radio

feather icon-repeat

feather icon-refresh-ccw

feather icon-rewind

feather icon-rotate-ccw

feather icon-refresh-cw

icon feather icon-rotate-cw

feather icon-save

feather icon-search

feather icon-server

feather icon-scissors

feather icon-share-2

feather icon-share

feather icon-shield

feather icon-settings

feather icon-skip-back

feather icon-shuffle

feather icon-sidebar

feather icon-skip-forward

feather icon-slack

feather icon-slash

feather icon-smartphone

feather icon-square

feather icon-speaker

feather icon-star

feather icon-stop-circle

feather icon-sun

feather icon-sunrise

feather icon-tablet

feather icon-tag

feather icon-sunset

icon feather icon-target

feather icon-thermometer

feather icon-thumbs-up

feather icon-thumbs-down

feather icon-toggle-left

feather icon-toggle-right

feather icon-trash-2

feather icon-trash

feather icon-trending-up

feather icon-trending-down

feather icon-triangle

feather icon-type

feather icon-twitter

feather icon-upload

feather icon-umbrella

feather icon-upload-cloud

feather icon-unlock

feather icon-user-check

feather icon-user-minus

feather icon-user-plus

feather icon-user-x

feather icon-user

feather icon-users

feather icon-video-off

feather icon-video

feather icon-voicemail

feather icon-volume-x

feather icon-volume-2

feather icon-volume-1

feather icon-volume

feather icon-watch

feather icon-wifi

feather icon-x-square

feather icon-wind

feather icon-x

feather icon-x-circle

feather icon-zap

feather icon-zoom-in

feather icon-zoom-out

feather icon-command

feather icon-cloud

feather icon-hash

feather icon-headphones

feather icon-underline

feather icon-italic

feather icon-bold

feather icon-crop

feather icon-help-circle

feather icon-paperclip

feather icon-shopping-cart

feather icon-tv

feather icon-wifi-off

feather icon-gitlab

feather icon-sliders

feather icon-star-on

feather icon-heart-on

feather icon-archive

feather icon-arrow-down-circle

feather icon-arrow-up-circle

feather icon-arrow-left-circle

feather icon-arrow-right-circle

feather icon-bar-chart-line-

feather icon-bar-chart-line

feather icon-book-open

feather icon-code

feather icon-database

feather icon-dollar-sign

feather icon-folder-plus

feather icon-gift

feather icon-folder-minus

feather icon-git-commit

feather icon-git-branch

feather icon-git-pull-request

feather icon-git-merge

feather icon-linkedin

feather icon-hard-drive

feather icon-more-vertical-

feather icon-more-horizontal-

feather icon-rss

feather icon-send

feather icon-shield-off

feather icon-shopping-bag

feather icon-terminal

feather icon-truck

feather icon-zap-off

feather icon-youtube

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