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John Doe

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My Orders

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My Wishlist

Items (5)

My Wallet

Balance ($90)

My Orders
ID : #551
Total : $175
# Photo Product Qty Price Total
1 product Electronic Kettle 1 $75 $75
2 product Fitness Band 2 $50 $100
ID : #550
Total : $99
# Photo Product Qty Price Total
1 product iPhone XR 1 $99 $99
My Addresses

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John Doe

+1 9876543210

5101 Public Work Drive, 24th Street, Near Oklahoma Building, Cleveland, Tennessee, USA.

John Doe

+1 9876543210

5102 Public Work Drive, 24th Street, Near Oklahoma Building, Cleveland, Tennessee, USA.

My Wishlist
# Photo Product Qty Price Total Action
1 product Electronic Kettle
$75 $75
2 product Fitness Band
$50 $100
3 product iPhone XR
$99 $990
My Wallet

$90 Balance

ID Name Withdraw Deposit Status Comment
1 Google Corp. $1,50,000 - Success Transaction ID : 9966338855
2 Facebook Inc. - $1,25,000 Reject Bank Transaction ID : 9988776655
3 Amazon $75,000 - Success Book Return
My Chat
Hello! please, let me know the status about project after school.
4:18 pm
I have completed 4 stages 5 stages remaining.
4:20 pm
I request you to schedule demo at 3 pm after 2 days for the better progress.
4:25 pm
Sure, I will prepare for the same.
4:27 pm
Great. Thanks
4:30 pm
I have completed 4 stages 5 stages remaining.
4:20 pm
I request you to schedule demo at 3 pm after 2 days for the better progress.
4:25 pm
Sure, I will prepare for the same.
4:27 pm
Great. Thanks
4:30 pm
  • Order Received

    Priyank J Shah ordered Bluetooth Earphone Black with Gift Wrap.

    20-02-2020, 06:48 PM

  • Your top discounts by sales

    Campaign "FLAT25" has hit more than 5k redemption on Christmas.

    15-01-2020, 02:35 PM

  • Low Stock Alert

    Weekender Bag is in Low Stock. We have 6 pcs left. Order Quickly.

    10-12-2019, 11:52 AM

  • John Doe applied for refund

    Joh has asked for refund of product because of different fabric.

    05-10-2019, 3:22 PM

  • Order Received

    Mark ordered Armani Vest.

    09-02-2019, 05:25 PM

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